What does LMR mean on Snapchat? [2025]

Snapchat is a platform for Gen Z and youngsters who love to engage with their friends through conversations and snaps. Most people use many acronyms on Snapchat, but one of them is LMR, and people don’t know what it means.

What does LMR mean on Snapchat

LMR on Snapchat represents “Like My Recent” which is like my recent post or story that someone posted on Snapchat. When someone posts an engaging story on Snapchat, they might ask you to view their story and like it by saying LMR.

It is a way of communicating with your friends on Snapchat and enhancing your social media life by interacting with their recent stories and posts. When you like their story, their content goes viral which helps them to become influencers. Let’s discuss more about what LMR means on Snapchat and how to use it properly while communicating.

What is the meaning of LMR on Snapchat?

LMR on Snapchat means “like my recent” post or story. If you want more views on your post and story, you can ask your friends to like and comment on it to increase the engagement level. The more you interact with someone, the stronger your friendship bond will be.

That’s why people like posts and stories of their social media friends to expand their social circle and make new friends. It’s a very commonly used abbreviation on Snapchat which can help you become famous among your friends.

So whenever you post an interesting story or post on your profile, you can ask your friends to like that story, comment on it, and share it with others to increase the interactions. It can also be used to increase followers and make new friends on Snapchat. LMR can also mean “Last Minute Response” or “Last Minute Reaction”.

Benefits of using LMR on Snapchat

There are some benefits of using LMR on Snapchat such as:

To increase engagement:

LMR can be used to gain more likes and views on stories and posts on Snapchat. If you want your story to go viral among your friends, you can ask them to share it and comment on your story to promote your content. If you upload good content or interesting pictures to your stories, there are more chances that people will like it more. This way, you can increase your activity level with your friends on Snapchat and enhance your relationship with them.

To gain opinions and attention:

When you reply to someone’s story, you can start a conversation. This can help you increase your communication level. Or if you want your friend’s opinion on something, you can upload it to your story and ask them about their point of view. If it’s something interesting. They’ll surely like it and comment on it.

Thus you can use LMR to gain the opinions and attention of people on Snapchat. If you receive more likes and positive reviews, your content will go viral in your social circle. This is a great way to decide what quality content people like to see on social media platforms like Snapchat.

How to use LMR on Snapchat?

It’s very easy to use LMR on Snapchat. When you upload a new picture to your story, you can ask your friends to see it and like it. This can help you engage with new friends on Snapchat and increase your friend circle. You can upload the latest news on the Snapchat story to gain more views from people and spread awareness.

Thus, you can have long conversations with your friends about that topic and have a great time chatting on Snapchat. You can also use it to sell something and promote your brand on Snapchat by posting stories about it and asking your friends to like it and share it with their friends on Snapchat to increase engagement level and for promotion.

This will help you gain more audience and customers. Snapchat can be used for multiple purposes such as chatting, sending snaps, and promoting your brand by posting stories.

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What is the response to LMR on Snapchat?

LMR on Snapchat means like my recent post or story. So, if someone says LMR, that means he expects you to like his story and comment on it. You can engage in conversation with them about that story and give compliments about it.

You can also share their story with your friends to increase the views, likes, and followers on their Snapchat profile. Thus you can help them expand their social circle and enjoy Snapchat with new friends and followers.

It’s not compulsory that you engage someone’s story or post when they tell you to like my recent post or story. They are simply requesting you to like their story. If you don’t have spare time or you’re busy somewhere, you can just ignore it.

Other Snapchat acronyms

Like LMR, there are many other acronyms on Snapchat that people use to communicate with new friends and stay in trend. For example:

  • ILY: I love you
  • HMU: HIt me up
  • BFF: Best friend forever
  • BFs: Best friends
  • IMY: I miss you
  • TTM: Talk to me
  • SB: Snap back
  • POV: Point of view
  • IDK: I don’t know

Frequently Asked Question

What does LMR mean on Snapchat?

LMR on Snapchat stands for Like My Recent Post or Story. It helps increase the views and likes on stories and posts.

Is there any other meaning of LMR?

LMR means like my recent but it can also mean Last minute reaction on Snapchat.

How should I respond to LMR?

You can like your friend’s story or post that they asked for. You can communicate about that post and share it with other friends.

Does LMR increase likes and followers on Snapchat?

Yes, LMR helps increase the likes and followers on Snapchat. It increases the engagement level.

What is the benefit of using LMR?

LMR helps prompt stories and posts on Snapchat. Thus you can make new friends who watch your stories regularly. It also helps increase the interactions between friends on Snapchat.


Acronyms are very common on Snapchat these days because people love to use slang words while communicating on messages and snaps. LMR on Snapchat means like my recent story or post on my profile. You can ask your friends to engage in your story.

Thus, you can increase your story views, likes, and comments. You can ask them to share your story with their other Snapchat friends to promote your profile. You can increase your engagement level by having conversations about your story with your friends.

It’s a fun way to interact with friends and make new relationships based on interactions. Share this article with your friends and help them understand about LMR means on Snapchat.

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