What Does the Snapchat Peace Sign Mean
SnapChat provides emojis in front of your best friends and group chats based on your interactions and friendship level. The more you connect with your friends, the closer they will get and Snapchat will consider them your best friends as you communicate more often with them.

The Snapchat peace sign represents the top group you regularly engage with and communicate with.The Snapchat peace sign appears on the right side of the group chat name on your screen. It indicates that you interact with this group regularly and send daily snaps to your best friends.
This feature is just like your best friend’s emojis where Snapchat assigns emojis to your top best friends based on their communication level and snap streaks. It’s easy to access your favorite group as it will be at the top of your screen below the pined chats. Let’s explore more about the peace sign and its meaning on Snapchat.
The Snapchat peace sign is often used to convey a chill or laid-back vibe, but its meaning can vary depending on the context. If you’re curious about other common phrases, you might want to check out what IMY means on Snapchat to better understand the platform’s unique language.
What does the Snapchat Peace Sign for a group mean?
The Snapchat peace sign shows your most engaged group based on your communication level and interaction with your group friends. If you add your best friends to the group to chat with them daily and send many snaps, Snapchat will assign a peace emoji indicating this is your favorite and top group on Snapchat.
Just like Snapchat provides a yellow heart next to your best friend’s name based on the interaction level, it also provides a peace emoji on the right side of the group name based on your activities with your friends in the group. Snapchat provides many amazing features to its users to have fun while interacting with their best friends.
Many other emojis on Snapchat have a different purpose such as a peace sign showing your friendship level with your friends in the group. The more you communicate with them, the deeper your friendship bond will be. Thus, that group will be automatically move to the top of your chat section on Snapchat.
Things to note about the Snapchat Peace Sign
While the peace sign adds a touch of mystery to your chats, the Snapchat Solar System reveals a whole new way to understand your best friend connections. There are many benefits of the Snapchat peace sign that help you maintain your interactions with your most engaged and favorite group such as:
Most engaged group
When you send group snaps and communicate with your best friends in a group, Snapchat assigns a peace emoji to your most interacted group. It shows your strong friendship bond with your group friends as you share your precious moments with your friends and exchange many snaps daily. You prioritize this group on Snapchat and spend quality time with your friends.
Easy to access
When a peace sign appears in front of a group name, Snapchat shifts this group to the top of your chats. Thus, you can easily access this group without wasting your time to scroll down and find this group in your chats. This favorite group will be available to you at the top of the chat section.
Social interactions as a community
You can communicate with your best friends in the group simultaneously without having conversations separately. It saves your precious time and also helps you to maintain a balance in your social life. You can discuss important matters with each other and share your point of view. Snapchat will consider these interactions and it can help your favorite group in getting a peace emoji.
How to get the Snapchat Peace Sign for a group
Snapchat assigns a peace sign to a group based on the interaction level and friendship bond. Snapchat algorithm decides which group you communicate with the most. Here are some tips that you can follow if you want to get the Snapchat peace sign for a group:
Communicate Regulalry
You have to communicate regularly with your group friends to enhance your friendship bond. The more you connect with them, the stronger your interaction level will be. You can discuss your matters with your best friends. You can also share memories that you’ve spent with your friends. This will strengthen your friendship bond and there will be maximum chances that Snapchat will provide a peace emoji to the group that you interact with the most.
Add your best friends to the group
You can add your top best friends to the group and have long conversations with them at the same time. You can engage in healthy conversations and strengthen your friendship bond as a community. Best friends are the best way to increase your interaction level and move your group to the top by having a peace emoji on the Snapchat group.
Exchange snaps daily
You can exchange snaps daily in the group which will increase your closeness. You can reply to others’ snaps with funny emojis and keep the conversation alive and humorous. Share your daily moments through photos and videos in snaps.
Engaging and funny content
You can discuss your memories and moments with your best friends in the group. You can remind them of the beautiful time that you’ve spent together. Make healthy jokes about each other to have fun conversations. This way, you can communicate daily in the group with your friends on Snapchat.
Other Snapchat Emojis
Besides the Snapchat peace sign, there are many other Snapchat emojis that Snapchat shows in front of your friend’s usernames based on their interaction level, friendship bond, and snap streak. Here are some of those Snapchat emojis and their purpose:
Baby Face
Baby face emoji means your new Snapchat friend that you’ve just added to your friend list.
Yellow Heart
The yellow heart emoji means you both exchange daily snaps and communicate with each other. Thus, you both are best friends on Snapchat based on your mutual interaction level.
Red Heart
The red heart emoji means you have been best friends for two consecutive weeks. Which means you are sharing snaps and communicating a lot with each other.
Pink Heart
The pink heart emoji means you have been best friends for two months as you have a close friendship level built on trust and commitment.
Fire Emoji
The fire emoji means you have a snap streak with your Snapchat friend. You both exchange snaps with each other.
100 Emoji
The 100 emoji means you have been sharing snaps with your Snapchat friend for 100 days. It’s a big achievement based on your long-term commitment and strong relationship with your friend.
Frequently Asked Question
What does the Snapchat peace sign mean?
Snapchat peace sign means the most engaged group that you interact with.
How to get the Snapchat peace sign for a group?
If you want a peace sign for a group on Snapchat, just communicate more with your friends in groups and send snaps to each other.
Does the peace sign mean all group members are equally engaged on Snapchat?
No, peace doesn’t mean that all the group members are equally engaged in conversations. If some friends communicate more often, Snapchat will provide the peace sign based on those continuous interactions.
Can I make a group my Top group?
Yes, if you communicate with your group friends, and send pictures and snaps, you can make that group your top group and Snapchat will provide a peace emoji as it’s your favorite group of friends. You can share moments and memories to increase the friendship bond.
What are the benefits of the peace sign on Snapchat?
The group with the peace sign on Snapchat will be moved to the top of the chat section. You can easily access it as it’s your favorite group of friends that you communicate with daily.
Snapchat peace sign is a fun way to communicate with your top friends on Snapchat in a group which can help enhance your social life activities. The peace sign represents your top group with whom you interact the most on Snapchat.
You can share snaps, stories, memories, and photos to interact with your group friends. The more you communicate, the stronger your friendship bond will be.Snapchat provides a peace sign based on the interaction level. If you increase your communication and send more snaps to the group, Snapchat will assign a peace emoji to that group.
So if you want a peace sign for a specific group, just increase your interaction level. You can have fun conversations with your friends and expand your social circle by making new best friends on Snapchat. Share this article with your friends and help them understand the importance of the peace sign for the Snapchat group.