Snapchat Planets Order & Meaning Explained in Detail 2025
Snapchat Planets is one of Snapchat’s latest and most interesting features that is available on Snapchat Plus. Snapchat is the most used app these days and it always brings new features and updates to entertain its users and this is one of them. Snapchat planet system helps you understand who is your best friend based on your daily interactions and snaps with each other.
Just like our solar system where planets revolve around the sun, you are the sun on your Snapchat and your friends are the planets who live around you. Your first best friend will be whoever sends you the most snaps and interacts with you daily and he will be the Snapchat Planets closest to the sun. Snapchat planet order best friends will change automatically based on your conversations and friendships. Now, we’ll provide all the details on the Snapchat friend solar system.
What is the Meaning of Snapchat Planets Order?
Snapchat Planets is a premium feature on Snapchat Plus that allows you to rank your friendship level based on the streaks and interactions with your friends. On Snapchat Plus, you will be the sun and your 8 most interacted best friends will be the planets revolving around you just like our real solar planet system.
Whoever you talk to most and who has the most snap score will be the closest best friend like Mercury. Likewise, the person you interact with less and has less snap score will be the 8th closest best friend like Neptune.
These Snapchat Planets order will be rearranged automatically with evolving snap scores and interactions. Thus, you’ll always be aware of who your closest best friend is. This friend solar system is an interesting feature on Snapchat Plus that helps you to have more fun like a game to stay focused to be in the list of top eight best friends.
Snapchat Planets Meaning & Order Explained in Detail
There are a total of eight plants in our solar system that revolve around the sun. The order of those planets is:
Snapchat Planet means that you are the sun on your Snapchat and your best friends will be the planets. To understand more about Snapchat Planet and meanings, Let’s dive into the details of best Snapchat best friends list planet order.
Mercury – Your 1st Best Friend
Mercury snapchat represents the closest best friend on your list to whom you send the maximum snaps and have long conversations as it is Snapchat Planet closest to the sun. Mercury appears as red heart emojis floating around your friend’s Bitmoji. Similarly, if someone from your friends has marked you as Mercury, that means you are their 1st best friend on Snapchat Planets Bff order.
Venus – Your 2nd Best Friend
Venus indicates the 2nd best friend on your Snapchat Plants Order Venus. It’s a little below Mercury which means you don’t interact enough and send fewer snaps. But being Venus is also good. It means you have a regular snap score with your best friend and communicate with each other daily. Venus appears as a brown planet with your friend Bitmoji surrounded by multiple colored hearts like pink, blue, and yellow.
Earth – Your 3rd Best Friend
Earth is the 3rd best friend in the Snapchat Solar system. That means you chat fewer than the Mercury and Venus ones. But being Earth on someone’s Snapchat is also a good achievement. You probably communicate with each other and send snaps. Earth Snapchat Planet appears as a green and blue planet like our Earth with your friend Bitmoji surrounded by red hearts and yellow twinkle stars.
Mars – Your 4th Best Friend
Mars is the 4th best friend on Snapchat Planet. You probably talk to each other a few times a week and send snaps daily. You communicate less than Earth friends on Snapchat. Mars appears as a red-orange planet with your friend Bitmoji surrounded by blue and purple hearts floating around. Being a Mars on someone’s planet order means you have a great relationship with him.
Jupiter – Your 5th Best Friend
Snapchat Planets Jupiter is the 5th planet in the solar system and it’s also the 5th best friend on Snapchat’s solar system. Jupiter friends communicate less and have fewer snap scores. They only talk once a week. Jupiter is indicated as an orange planet with your friend Bitmoji surrounded by multiple stars floating around.
Saturn – Your 6th Best Friend
Saturn is the 6th best friend on the Snapchat Plants in order just like the real Solar system. Now the conversions and streaks are much less the Jupiter. You don’t usually communicate enough but still, you are their 6th best friend on the planet list. Saturn appears as your friend’s Bitmoji on the planet and a green beautiful ring with blue, pink, and yellow stars around it.
Uranus – Your 7th Best Friend
Uranus is the 7th best friend on the Snapchat solar system. You have few and limited interactions with each other once a month. Snap continuity is also broken but you are still on their best friend list. Uranus appears as the most beautiful and charming green planet with your friend’s Bitmoji and yellow stars floating around.
Neptune – Your 8th Best Friend
Neputone is the farthest and 8th planet in the solar system. That means Neptune on Snapchat is the least best friend on the planet order list. Neptune appears as a blue planet with your friend’s Bitmoji alone. It’s called Snapchat Planets Blue. Neptune is the 8th most important friend in someone’s life.
How to get Snapchat Plus Subscription?
Snapchat Plus is a premium feature of Snapchat that offers many exclusive features and badges such as Snapchat Planet in order. This premium feature is only available to Snapchat Plus subscribers and you’ve to pay to buy its subscription. They have a monthly, 6 months, and a one-year subscription plan.
Snapchat provides a free trial to its subscribers to have a glimpse of the fun of its exclusive features. Its premium features include special badges for Snapchat Plus subscribers, customizable icons, premium themes for your profile, and many other advanced features
Step-By-Step Guide to Getting The Subscription
Here is the complete guide on how to subscribe to Snapchat Plus.
How to Check your Snapchat Planet in your Friend’s Snapchat Solar System?
If you are curious about your position in the Snapchat Planet Order of your friends, don’t worry at all. It’s easy to check your Snapchat Planet in the Best Friend Solar system. Just follow these steps:
How to Improve your Ranking in Snapchat Planet Order?
This way, you can find Snapchat Planet in your Best Friend Solar system.
You can easily boost your rank on your friend’s Planet system by interacting with each other regularly. Here are some tips that you can follow to improve your position on Snapchat Planet Order:
You have to maintain a 100+ day streak score on Snapchat and send as many snaps as you can in a day to improve your rank. You should watch your friend’s snaps regularly and quickly reply to them by giving them compliments or sending emojis.
Whenever your friend uploads a story, watch it and reply to them to increase your interactions. You can also tag that friend in your stories. This will help you to boost your rank in the Best Friends Planet system.
You should communicate with each other regularly and have fun conversations to enhance your friendship level. You can have enjoyable chats. The interaction will improve your position in the Planet Order.
You can share old memories to enhance your closeness and enjoy those wonderful feelings. This will also help you to improve your rank.
How to Enable and Disable Snapchat Solar System?
Snapchat doesn’t enable the solar system by default setting. You can easily manually enable and disable Snapchat Planet feature. Just follow these steps:
To Enable:
To Disable:
Pros and Cons
There are some pros and cons of Snapchat Planet Order. Let’s discuss it.
Snapchat Planet Order allows you to personalize your app according to your taste. This premium feature is exclusive to Snapchat Plus and helps you to visualize your friendship creatively. The more you interact with your friends, the more they will come close to you and move into the planet system accordingly.
You can improve your position in the planet order by sending snaps regularly and communicating with each other daily. Whoever will talk less and won’t send snaps regularly, he’ll move away from you just like each planet is at a different distance from the sun. We’ve provided all the necessary details on Snapchat Planet System meaning and it’ll help you understand more about it. So keep sending snaps to your best friends and have fun in your planetary system.