Earth Snapchat Planet Meanings Expalined

Snapchat has many amazing and creative features that provide a fun way to connect with your friends. Snacphat Planet system is one of them that gives you a fun twist for your conversations with your friends and it gives positions as planets based on your interactions. These planets show the closeness and friendship level between two best friends on Snapchat. The more you interact with each other by sending snaps and chatting, the closer you’ll get to the sun.

Earth Snapchat Planet indicates the third closest friend on the planet system that shares a close and strong bond with you. You exchange snaps with each other regularly but not as much as Mercury or Venus. But still being the Earth Snapchat Planet means a lot and shows how deep your connection is with your 3rd best friend. On Snapchat, Earth is represented as your Bitmoji on Earth planet which is surrounded by red hearts and twinkle stars circling. Let’s dive into more detail about Earth Planet on Snapchat.

Earth Snapchat Planet

What is the Meaning of Earth Snapchat Planet?

Earth Snapchat Planet means the third closest friend on the Snapchat Planet system based on your communication level and streak score. It shows a medium level of friendship and closeness. You probably connect with them regularly and send snaps to each other but not as much as Mercury and Venus Planet. It shows a stable connection between two best friends who share moments.

Earth Planet on Snapchat provides a fun way to visualize your friendship level. It’s like a game where your friends have to compete with each other to be on the Top 8 planets in your Snapchat. Whoever shows medium interest and sends you snaps frequently will be the Earth Planet. It keeps you engaged with each other and shows a balanced relationship.

What is the Meaning of Red Hearts around the Earth Snapchat Planet?

The red hearts around the Earth Planet on Snapchat emojis show a deeper and more meaningful bond of friendship that two best friends share. The more you connect, the more you’ll some close and have five red hearts around your Earth Planet. You’ve to maintain your streak score, otherwise you’ll lose a heart if you miss a day by breaking the streak.

The five red hearts show the lovely and trustworthy bond between two closest friends who share their private and important moments and cherish this amazing life with best friends. Earth Planet friend represents a deep emotional bond based on the communication level.

Mercury Snapchat Planet Meanings Explanied
Mercury Snapchat Planet Meanings Explanied

The symbolism of Earth Planet in Snapchat?

The symbolism of the Earth Snapchat Planet indicates the stability, connection, and balance in the Snapchat universe. It shows that you have a medium-balanced relationship that is neither too close nor too far. It represents harmony and a reliabalbe relationship that you two share with each other.

Earth is the 3rd Planet in the real Solar system and also in the Snapchat Solar system. It’s a middle planet that shows a mid-tier friendship level based on consistent interaction and a steady relationship. You may not exchange as many snaps as the other two top friends but you still have a deep bond and value this friendship. Just like Earth revolves around the son, your 3rd closest friend lives around you constantly by sharing his precious moments in streaks and chat.

Earth’s Position in the Snapchat Planet Order

Earth is on the 3rd number in the Snapchat Planat Order as well as the real Solar System. It shows your medium-level friendship bond with your 3rd best friend. Your planet will be dependent on your interaction and communication level. The stronger your bond is, the closer you will be to the sun of your friend’s Snapchat Solar system.

The complete list of Planets in Snapchat:









How to change your Position from Earth to Mercury on Snapchat?

You can change your position from Earth to Mercury by increasing your communication level. Here are some tips that you can follow to boost your position on Earth Snapchat planet:

Send Snap Streaks Regularly

You have to send maximum snaps if you want to be on the top of the Snapchat Planet Order. You’ve to send snaps daily without any gaps. Share as many snaps as possible to maintain your streak score. This will help you move your rank from Earth to Mercury on Snapchat Planet Order.

Increase Interaction level

You need to communicate a lot if you want to boost your position. You can make your friendship bond stronger if you increase your interaction level. This will help you come closer to each other on Snapchat.

Share Memories and Moments

You can share memories to remind your best friend of all those beautiful moments that you experienced together. Sharing moments helps a lot in bonding with each other. 

Video/Voice call

Voice and video calls impact more than chatting because you can communicate directly on call which is better than texting. You can interact more personally and share your daily moments with others to increase your friendship. This will help you move from Earth to Mercury which is the No.1 best friend on the Snapchat Planet system.

If you follow these tips and increase your communication level with your best friends, you can move your rank from Earth to Mercury closer to the Sun(You).


What is the Earth Snapchat Planet?

Snapchat Best Friend List is a premium feature that allows you to interact with your best friends based on your daily communication level. This helps you to boost your friendship.

Can I change my position from Earth to Mercury on the Snapchat Planet System?

Yes, you can your position from Earth to Mercury on the Snapchat Planet system if you increase your snap streaks and interaction level. If you connect more and have a stronger bond, your rank will be boosted automatically.

What is the meaning of red hearts around the Earth planet on Snapchat?

The red hearts around the Earth mean that you have a closer and special bond with your 3rd best friend on the Snapchat Planet Order. It shows trust and closeness.

What happens if I lose a streak with my Earth friend?

You will lose your position on Earth if you break your streak continuity. You must send snaps regularly if you want to be on the Snapchat Planet Order.

Do friends in the Snapchat Planet System change daily?

Yes, friends in the Snapchat Planet system change frequently based on their interaction level. Increasing or decreasing your communication level will affect your rank and your position will rearrange automatically.

Can someone be on both Earth and Mercury Planet?

No, no one can be both Earth and Mercury Planet at the same time. It’s not possible. You can be either Earth or Mercury. Your position can change based on the interactions.


The Earth Snapchat Planet is an amazing way to visualize your interactions and friendships based on closeness and strong relationships. Being the 3rd best friend on Snapchat Planet Order is also a great privilege that shows commitment and trust between two best friends. If you are in the top 8 best friends, then you both are amazing friends and have a deep meaningful friendship.

You can increase your position in the Planet system by increasing your interaction level. If you send more snaps and communicate regularly, you may become Mercury(The closest friend to the sun). The Snapchat Planet system provides a game-like fun to compete with your friends based on snap score and communication level. Thus it provides fun and excitement in your daily life to enjoy your moments by sharing them with your best friends on Snapchat.

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