How Does the Snapchat Solar System Work

Snapchat always provides some unique features to keep its users engaged and entertained. One of these amazing features is Snapchat Solar System which represents your friendship level with your closest 8 best friends based on their interaction level and snap streak.

How Does the Snapchat Solar System Work
How Does the Snapchat Solar System Work

Whoever has the highest streak and strong communication level with you, will be the Mercury planet in your Snapchat Planet Order where you are the sun of your Snapchat universe and your eight best friends are the planets revolving around you.

The planet order of your Snapchat Solar System always updates as your interaction level changes with your friends occasionally. So if you want your best friends to stay on the same planet in your Solar System, you must maintain a balanced relationship with regular interactions and snap-sharing. Let’s discuss the Snapchat Solar System and how it works more.

What is the Snapchat Solar System?

Snapchat offers a Solar system that allows you to visualize your friendship level with your closest best friends based on your relationship and interaction. The more you interact with your friends, the stronger your friendship bond will be. This Snapchat Solar System is just like our real Solar System where 8 planets revolve around the sun and each planet is at a different distance from the sun.

You are the sun of your Snapchat Planet System and your 8 closest friends are the planets circling you. Your friendship bond with each of these 8 best friends is different and unique based on your snap streak and communication level.

Snapchat Solar system is only available to Snapchat Plus users. This planet system shows your commitment and long-term relationship with your Snapchat best friends which is a fun way to enjoy your social life as you regularly share snaps, messages, and videos with your 8 best friends. It helps enhance your friendship bond.

How to Access Snapchat Solar System?

Here is the guide on how you can access Snapchat Solar System:

Subscribe to Snapchat Plus:

Solar System is an exclusive feature that is only available on Snapchat Plus. You have to buy its premium subscription which offers a Best Friends badge. When you click on the badge, it’ll show you your 8 best friends indicating your 8 planets in your Solar system and you will be in the center as the Sun of your planet system.

This is an amazing way to visualize your relationship with your best friends. It provides a game-like fun where your friends have to compete to be the closest planet (Mercury) in your universe. Without the premium subscription, you cannot access the Snapchat Planet System or any other premium feature such as an exclusive badge, Solar System, an extended best friends list, etc.

How to use Snapchat Solar System?

It’s quite easy to use Snapchat Planet System and see your best friend’s rank in your Solar System. Here is the complete guide:

Access your Snapchat Solar System

First, you’ve to subscribe to Snapchat Plus if you want your Solar System on Snapchat. After purchasing its premium subscription, open your Snapchat app and click on the top left corner of your screen to open your Snapchat account. There you’ll find a Best Friends badge, click on it to open your Solar System. You’ll see your 8 best friends Bitmojis with planets revolving around you (Sun). Now you can see who is your closest friend in the planet list based on their interactions.

Planet Order List

Your 8 best friends represent 8 planets in your Snapchat Planet Order. But it’s necessary to understand the correct planet order list if you want to enjoy the planet system fully. Here is the list of these planets in order:

Mercury: Your closest friend in Snapchat Planet Order.

Venus: Your 2nd closest friend on Snapchat planet system.

Earth: Your 3rd closest friend on the Snapchat Planet System.

Mars: Your 4th closest friend on the Snapchat Planet System.

Jupiter: Your 5th closest friend on the Snapchat Planet System.

Saturn: Your 6th closest friend on the Snapchat Planet System.

Uranus: Your 7th closest friend on the Snapchat Planet System.

Neptune: Your 8th closest friend on the Snapchat Planet System.

Understand the symbols

Snapchat provides many unique symbols in front of your best friends’ profile names representing their friendship level. Each symbol has a different meaning and purpose, so you must learn their meanings if you want to enjoy Snapchat premium features. Each best friend in your Solar System will have a unique planet symbol with their Bitmoji on it. These emojis and symbols provide fun to your Snapchat experience.

How to check your Position in your Friend’s Snapchar Solar System?

Sometimes you must have thought about your position in your best friend’s solar system and whether you are in the top 8 best friends on your friend’s solar system or not. It all depends on your communication level and high streak score. You must maintain a snap streak and regular interaction level if you want to be in the top 8 closest friends. Follow these steps if you want to check your planet’s position in your friend’s Solar System:

  • Open your Snapchat.
  • Now go to your chat section and click on the profile icon of your best friend.
  • Now find the Best Friends badge and click on it.
  • It will show you the planet with your Bitmoji on it.

But remember, if your friend doesn’t have Snapchat Plus, he won’t have a Solar System. Thus, if you want to see yourself in your friend’s solar system, you or your friend must buy a premium subscription to Snapchat.

Some tips to Navigate Solar System

Here are some tips to improve your planet’s position in your friend’s solar system:

  • You must communicate regularly. If you break your communication or decrease your interaction level, your planet will move away from the sun in your friend’s solar system. So send as many snaps as possible every day and share moments with your best friends. Remind them of the beautiful time that you’ve spent together. You can increase your engagement level.
  • You can see your planet’s position in your friend’s solar system but you can’t see the full list of their solar system. Snapchat Solar System is a private feature that is only visible to its users.
  • If your best friend’s planet has changed in your solar system, it means your interaction level has decreased. Because daily communication is the key to maintaining your Snapchat planet order.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Solar System on Snapchat?

Snapchat Solar System is a unique feature that allows you to visualize your friendship level with your 8 best friends representing 8 planets in your Solar System where you are the Sun of this Snapchat Planet universe.

How does the Snapchat Solar System work?

Just like our real Solar System, Snapchat also provides 8 planets in your Snapchat planet system and you will be the Sun of this universe.

How can I maintain my position in my friend’s solar system?

You must communicate regularly with your Snapchat best friends and send as many snaps as possible to keep your friendship alive. Regular Interaction is the key to maintaining your planet’s position.

Can I customize my Snapchat planets?

No, Snapchat doesn’t allow users to customize their planet order as they want. You can not change any of your planets. But if you don’t want to see someone particular in your planet list, you can just break the interaction level and thus he’ll automatically removed from the planet system or you can just block him.

Is Snapchat planet system a premium feature?

Yes, Snapchat Planet Order is a premium feature that is only available to Snapchat+ users. If you want a planet system on your profile, you just buy a Snapchat premium subscription.

Are my Snapchat planets visible to my friends?

No, your Snapchat planets won’t be visible to your Snapchat friends as it is a private feature. Only you can see the full list of your planet order. Thus, you don’t have to worry about your privacy or interaction level with your friends. No one can know who is the closest to you.

What happens if I unsubscribe from Snapchat Plus?

If you unsubscribe from Snapchat+, you will lose all the premium features such as the premium badge and Snapchat planet system. So if you want to maintain your planet order, you must keep buying its premium subscription.

What happens if I break the Snap streak with my best friend in the solar system?

If you break your Snap streak or decrease your communication level with your best friend, your friend will be moved out from the planet system and he will no longer be in the top 8 best friends in your Snapchat planet system.

Do Snapchat planets change over time?

Yes, Snapchat plants change over time. Snapchat updates its planet order regularly based on your interaction and snaps streaks. If you increase your interaction with someone, he may be the Mercury in your planet system.


Snapchat Plus has many amazing features. One is the Snapchat Solar system, which provides a unique fun way to rank friendship bonds with your closest friends based on your communication level and interactions with them. You are the sun of your Solar System and your friends revolve around you based on their friendship level. The more they interact through interactions, the closer they will get to the Sun (You).

Snapchat planet system is a fun feature that allows your friends to compete with each other if they want to be in the top 8 best friends list. Daily snap sharing, regular communication through messages, and sharing every precious moment with your friends are necessary to maintain a balanced relationship. Share this article with your friends and help them understand the Snapchat planet system. Thus, they can maintain their solar system.

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