Saturn Snapchat Planet Meanings Explained 2025
Snapchat Planet System is an exclusive and advanced feature on Snapchat Plus that provides a unique way to engage with your friends and show your top 8 best friends as 8 planets in your Snapchat Solar System. Saturn Snapchat Planet means your 6th best friend as it is the 6th planet in the real Solar System. It is based on your infrequent interactions that show your friendship bond with your Saturn Planet best friend but not so close as Mercury or other top 5 planets.

Saturn Snapchat Planet indicates your strong friendship and meaningful communication because this relationship is built on trust and long-term commitment. Snapchat Planet system provides gaming fun and you compete with your friends to be on the top 8 best friends planet list based on your closeness and snap streaks. Let’s explore more about the meaning of Saturn Planet on Snapchat and understand its position in the Solar System.
What is the Meaning Of Saturn Snapchat Planet?
Saturn Snapchat Planet is the 6th closest friend on the Snapchat Planet System based on your deep communication and long-term commitment to each other. You don’t interact daily with each other but maintain a balance in your interactions and friendship. You exchange snaps regularly to be in the top 8 best friend planet list, but the communication level is quite low compared to your Mercury or Venus friends who are much closer to the sun(You) in your Snapchat Planet Order.
Saturn planet friends do not interfere in each other’s lives and respect personal space but maintain a balanced connection for a long-lasting friendship bond. Saturn planet friend may look like a distant friend but he is still your best friend who shares a close friendship bond based on the infrequent interactions.
Graphic Representation of Saturn Snapchat Planet
Saturn Planet on Snapchat is represented as an orange planet with your friend’s Bitmoji on it surrounded by a distinctive gold ring and stars circling it. It symbilzes as the 6th planet from the sun just like in the real Solar system. The more your planet is away from the sun in your friend’s Snapchat Planet system, the lesser your connection will be. Saturn represents a distant friendship that interacts less with each other but maintains their connection.
Its unique gold ring shows a close relationship and adds fun to your life. Saturn planet indicates a strong steady friendship bond and stable connection with each other.
The significance of Stars around the Saturn Snapchat Planet
The stars around the Saturn Planet on Snapchat show the significance of your friendship and deep meaningful relationship. Just like stars shine brightly, your friendship will also be nourished based on the beautiful moments that you share.
Stars around the planet will shine more if you connect more and engage in conversations with each other. These stars indicate that you share memories and precious moments from time to time to stay connected and build a strong relationship bond with your Saturn friend.
Saturn’s position in the Snapchat Planet System
Saturn planet is the 6th best friend in the Snapchat Planet System and also the 6th planet in the real Solar System. It shows a close and meaningful friendship based on long-term trust and commitment. These planets represent your 8 best friends in the Snapchat Solar System which depends on your interaction level with each friend.
Full list of the Snapchat Planets Order
Here is the full list of planets:
- Mercury
- Venus
- Earth
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Neptune








How to change your position from Saturn to Mercury on Snapchat Planet Order?
Saturn Snapchat Planet is the 6th closest friend who shares a strong relationship bond but is less connected with you as you don’t communicate a lot with each other and that’s why you are the Saturn on your friend’s Snapchat Planet System. You can’t manually change your Saturn planet position but if you increase your engagement level with your friend, you can be his Mercury or Venus friend on Snapchat Planet System. Here are some factors that can help you improve your position from Saturn to Mercury on Snapchat Planet Order.
- Increase your interaction level
- Send more Snaps
- Engage on Stories
- Share moments and memories
- Video and Voice calls
Increase your interaction level
If you increase your interaction level and engage more with your friend, this will help you bond with your friend and your planet position will be changed from Saturn to Mercury.
Send more Snaps
If you send more snaps every day and watch every snap of your friend, this way you can connect properly with your friend and you can increase your friendship level. This will boost your position from Jupiter to some other top 6 planets.
Engage on Stories
You can watch the stories of your friends and reply to them to engage more. You can tag your friends in your stories which can help you in bonding and improving your planet position.
Share moments and memories
You can share beautiful memories and precious moments with your friends. It will enhance your bond and friendship.
Video and Voice calls
You can communicate with your friends via video calls and voice calls. Direct communication affects more friendships which will ultimately boost your planet’s position.
Frequently Asked Question
What is the meaning of Saturn Sanpchat Planet?
Saturn Planet on Snapchat means your 6th best friend who shares a long-term friendship bond with you based on the communication level.
Can I change my Saturn planet position in Snapchat Planet Order?
No, you can’t manually change your planet position but if you increase your interaction level, your position can be changed automatically based on your closeness and friendship level.
What is the appearance of Saturn’s planet on Snapchat?
The Saturn Planet is represented as an orange planet with your friend’s Bitmoji on it and surrounded by gold rings and multicolor stars.
How is the position of Saturn’s planet determined?
The position of Saturn’s planet is determined by the interaction level and snap streak score. The more you connect, more closer you will be to the sun of Snapchat Planet Order.
Can I have more than one Saturn Planet?
No, you can’t have more the one Saturn friend. Each planet is assigned to one of your best friends. There are a total of 8 planets representing 8 best friends.
Does the planet’s arrangement change every day?
Yes, the planet’s arrangement changes every day based on the closeness and communication level. Whoever will connect more with you, will be at the Top like Mercury.
Saturn Snapchat Planet is the 6th best friend on your Snapchat Plus based on the interaction and closeness of friendship. You communicate less with your Jupiter friend compared to other top 5 planets such as Mercury. You can change your planet’s position from Saturn to Mercury if you increase your communication level and engage in personal conversations. Thus, you will be closer to the sun. The arrangement of the planets changes daily based on the interaction level.
Saturn planet is visually represented as an orange planet with a golden ring and starts around it. It indicates a stable and trusted friendship level. We’ve provided all the necessary details on Saturn Planet on Snapchat.